Weekly drop #7: updated card mechanics

This week features streamlined card game mechanics, which I feel serve the narrative purpose better:

  • You can wield one tool - the "deck manager" has been recoined "toolbox".
  • In addition, one "skill" card is selected automatically, which can be used to tweak dice roll results.
  • With more XP gained (yes, there are XP now!), more skill cards become available.

The dice roll has changed, too: There are now 3 dice, which are initially cloaked. You reveal them one by one, watching out not to bust the limit total. So it's a bit of a wager every turn of a challenge.

In support of moving more smoothly through the (still to come) story, when Amy should pass out from exhaustion, she now wakes up on the same map. After recollecting her tool bag (aka the card deck), she can continue the quest.


AmyGears-Export-4.2.zip Play in browser
91 days ago

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