Weekly drop #2

Improvements this week:

  • Mouse navigation! No more keyboard required - this should also pave the way for touch controls.
  • The game is resizable now, so you can play fullscreen in the browser.
  • Straightened out the use of energy (your health bar) when playing a card. It's a lot clearer now, I think.
  • Demonstrated a new card mechanic - the "power coupler" found in the tutorial level.
  • Added animations and more sound - this will be an ongoing task.
  • Some visual improvements - the homescreen, map icons, card backgrounds.
  • Tons of small fixes all around.

There is still a lot to do in the core gameplay (e.g. improve the deck manager), but I feel it's time to tackle the narrative dimension. Really excited about that part!


AmyGears-Export-4.2.zip Play in browser
Feb 19, 2024

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